2015年6月6日 星期六

Gnome.Asia 2015, here I come!

GNOME.ASIA 2015 我來了,帥吧!
看到這一張照片你就可以知道,我是如何迫不及待的想要參與這一場盛會,可惜,照片中的主角不是我,如果 GNOME.asia 2016 我還有這個榮幸與會的話,我一定要拍一張這樣的照片。
Gnome.Asia 2015, here I come!  Isn’t it cool?
This photo shows how I was eager to attend Gnome Asia 2015.  Well, no, I’m not in this photo.  If I can attend Gnome Asia 2016, I’ll definitely take a photo like this.

每一年的 GNOME.ASIA,不只是自由軟體界的盛會,更是連結科技與友誼的文化之旅,看到今年的設計就讓我聯想到去年在北京的一切,這更讓我期待明年的主辦國家會是哪一國,我們又將會看到什麼樣的創意與設計。
Gnome Asia is not only a event for free software communities, but also a trip connecting technology, culture and friendliness.  The design this year made me think of last year in Beijing.  I’m also wondering where will Gnome Asia 2016 be held, and how the design will be.

這一次的 GNOME.ASIA 在印尼,對我而言最特別的是跟老朋友 Haris 見面,2009 年我曾因為國際資訊志工活動來到印尼而認識了 Haris,很高興看到 Haris 這幾年在自由軟體的耕耘與成就,身為老朋友的我,真的是倍感榮幸與驕傲。 
This time in Indonesia, I’m especially happy to see my old friend Haris.  We knew each other in 2009, and I’m happy to see his excellent work in applying and developing open source systems these years.

看到了嗎? 這個榮幸與驕傲不只是因為 Haris 而已,更來自於這精彩時刻的每一位參與者,也許在這一群夥伴當中我顯的特別的渺小,渺小到幾乎看不到我的存在,但也因為身處其中,而深刻的感受我因社群而存在的意義與價值。
See?  I’m so honored and proud for attending this event, not only because of my old friend Haris, but also every single attendee.  I’m so small in this group, but I’m so proud to be one of this group.

來吧,讓我們再一次伸出手,不只是為 GNOME.ASIA 2015 的這一刻喝彩,更為每一年 GNOME.ASIA伸出友誼之手,連結每一個追求自由的你和我。
So, let’s applaud not only for Gnome Asia 2015, but also for every year, every one in Gnome Asia.  Our hands and hearts are always connected.
